Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf

Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf: Latest edition free download, R S aggarwal english objective book is very important for the upcoming sarkari exams like- SSC CGL, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, BANK CLERK, BANK PO, R S Aggarwal english objective book free download, Hand written notes of english grammar, Class Notes english grammar by RS aggarwal, Topicwise english grammar Objective Questions pdf download.

Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf
Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf

Content In Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf

Contents in Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf per topic most of the important questions are cover in this english book the topics are given below-

  • Synonyms & Antonyms
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Cloze test
  • Spellings
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • One-word substitution
  • Phrase Replacement
  • Phrase Replacement
  • Sentence correction/Error Spotting
  • Active-Passive Voice
  • Direct-indirect
  • Fill in the blanks

Importance of Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf

Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं के लिए अति महत्वपूर्ण इसलिए है क्योंकि इसमे लगभग सभी टॉपिक कवर होते है और सभी टाइप के क्वेस्शन्स है , अतः यदि आप भी सरकारी नौकरी Exams की तैयारी कर रहे है तो आपको यह बुक जरूर पद्धनी चाहिए.Topicewise English Grammar MCQs PDF Download.

Most Important MCQs of English Grammar

  1. Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
    “She _ studying for three hours before taking a break.”
    a) has been
    b) had been
    c) have been
    d) was been
    Answer: a) has been

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
“I enjoy listening to __ music.”
a) classical
b) classic
c) classically
d) classicly
Answer: a) classical

3. Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?
a) I should have gone to the store yesterday.
b) She didn’t knew the answer to the question.
c) We have been waiting for over an hour.
d) They will be arriving late for the meeting.
Answer: b) She didn’t knew the answer to the question.

4. Identify the sentence with the correct use of the comma:
a) We went to the movies but, we missed the beginning.
b) We went to the movies, but we missed the beginning.
c) We went to the movies but we missed, the beginning.
d) We went to the movies but we missed the beginning.
Answer: b) We went to the movies, but we missed the beginning.

“This book belongs to __.”
a) me
b) myself
c) I
d) mines
Answer: a) me

6. Which sentence uses the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense?
a) She has sings a beautiful song.
b) They have go to the beach every summer.
c) We have seen that movie before.
d) He has plays soccer every day.
Answer: c) We have seen that movie before.

7. Identify the sentence with the correct word order:
a) Went to the store she.
b) She to the store went.
c) She went to the store.
d) The store to she went.
Answer: c) She went to the store.

Important Questions of English Grammar In Objective General English R S Aggarwal pdf

1. Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
“I _ my friend at the mall yesterday.”
a) saw
b) seen
c) seeing
d) have seen
Answer: a) saw

2. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
“Please remember __ the door when you leave.”
a) close
b) closed
c) to close
d) closing
Answer: c) to close

3. Which of the following sentences contains a gerund?
a) She is running in the park.
b) They watched a movie last night.
c) I enjoy swimming in the ocean.
d) The dog barks loudly.
Answer: c) I enjoy swimming in the ocean.

4. Identify the sentence with the correct use of the possessive apostrophe:
a) The books pages are torn.
b) The book’s pages are torn.
c) The books’ pages are torn.
d) The book pages are torn.
Answer: b) The book’s pages are torn.

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
“He plays the piano __ than anyone I know.”
a) good
b) well
c) better
d) best
Answer: c) better

6. Which sentence uses the correct placement of the adverb “always”?
a) I always go to the gym never on Sundays.
b) I go to the gym always never on Sundays.
c) I go always to the gym never on Sundays.
d) I never go to the gym on Sundays, always.
Answer: d) I never go to the gym on Sundays, always.

7. Identify the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement:
a) The group of students were studying in the library.
b) The group of students was studying in the library.
c) The group of students have studied in the library.
d) The group of students has studied in the library.
Answer: b) The group of students was studying in the library.

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